If you enjoy Vintage Cheddar, then you will love this cheddar aged for five years. This five-year-old Cheddar is a firmly pressed cheese with a hard, homogenous texture. The cheese begins life with a flexible texture and slightly acidic, buttery, sweet taste. The fat, protein, minerals and ashes gradually break down during the fermentation and aging process, which intensifies the flavors and firms and dries the texture. Made in Vermont, this Cheddar does not contain food coloring. Instead, it showcases a lovely, off-white color. Still full-flavored, this cheddar is more intense and tangier than its younger sibling. This is one of igourmet's oldest cheddars.
- Made from unpasteurized cow's milk.
- Photo depicts whole 5 lb. form of cheese.
- We cut and wrap this item by hand.